European Union Projects

Project "Comprehensive preparation of investment areas

for industrial and service activities

in Rumia".

On 01.07.2020, agreement no.: RPPM.02.05.00-22-0003/19-00 for funding of the Project entitled "Comprehensive preparation of investment areas for industrial and service activities in Rumia" was signed under the Regional Operational Programme of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 2 Enterprises, Measure 2.5 External investors co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

The total cost of the Project is PLN 24 930 496,11, including PLN 7 488 043,61 from the European funds budget.

The project area is located in the northern part of Rumia, in the eastern part of Wejherowo county, in the north-eastern part of Pomeranian voivodeship. It is in close vicinity to the port of Gdynia, national road No. 7, the airport in Gdansk, the Tri-City Bypass and a railroad siding of the PERN Group. The project will be developed on plots 39/3, 39/4, 39/6, 39/7, 39/8, 39/9, 39/10, 39/11, 40/5, 40/6, 42/3, 42/4, 42/5, 42/6, 46/3, 46/9, 46/10, 46/11, 41/2, 42/1, 46/1 (precinct 5, Rumia municipality) with a total area of 8,89 ha.


The material scope of the Project includes:

  • Construction of a storage and production hall with office section (approx. 3,600 m2)
  • Construction of an internal road, utility networks, fencing and site lighting
  • Construction of utility infrastructure

The purpose of the Project is:

  • To provide better conditions for the development of small and medium enterprises by developing currently unused land for investment purposes
  • Improvement of investment attractiveness of Rumia
  • Development of entrepreneurship in the project area
  • Increase in employment during the project implementation period and after its completion, as well as maintenance of existing jobs.

The deadline for completion of the Project is 31.12.2023.